Clara Thomine


  • Oeuvre - Clara Thomine
    La fin du monde, j'y vais - 2022 - [Détail], installation multimédia, © Clara Thomine
  • Oeuvre - Clara Thomine
    Publicité de voyage - 2022 - [Détail], Installation multimédia, © Clara Thomine

Born in 1990 in Nancy (France), Clara Thomine has lived and worked in Brussels for the past 10 years. Her preferred fields are video, installation and performance. In her various works, she improvises a great deal. Her videos are based on real-life situations, which she describes in her own way, often so enthusiastically that she transforms and reinvents them, never quite knowing where to draw the line between wonder and irony.

She also devotes herself to lecture-performance, notably with “Ça va changer“, which she performed in Brussels at ISELP and in Paris at CWB. In it, she tackles subjects ranging from artistic creation and the use of digital technology to global warming. For her latest solo show, she has opened an ephemeral store where she herself sells objects found after the end of the world. Under the title “Tout doit disparaître”, she plays on the ambiguity of a slogan that evokes both sales and the apocalypse. She founded Éditions de la fin du monde, of which she is the sole employee and, of course, managing director. She also won the Best Actress award at the Brussels Short Film Festival in 2022.

Caméra Blanche

On the occasion of MUTANX, Clara Thomine will present her famous “Caméra blanche”. After a great deal of research, and drawing on old technologies that have been surprisingly forgotten today, she will explain the workings and possibilities of this extraordinary device, which allows us to capture images with great precision and, above all, moving accuracy.

In the accompanying installation, Clara Thomine offers us a hybrid space, halfway between travel agency, playground for unrepentant selfie-takers, artist’s studio and souvenir store. Through her films, the artist tells stories of today, in the future tense. In doing so, she makes no pretense of announcing disasters, or of being a prophet of doom. She is content to play with the unthinkable, which we avert our eyes from, with the appalling feeling that haunts our times: the world as it is is unlikely to be able to continue on the same path for much longer.

His work consists of blurring reference points, blending the usual forms of past, present and future, combining memory and anticipation. And these shifts often give rise to the possibility of laughter, poetic space and, why not, reflection.


Clara Thomine’s project and performance is proposed in collaboration with Ravi, Liège