Arnaud Eubelen
Bike & Trailer - 2023
Arnaud Eubelen works in the no-man’s-land between sculpture and design, challenging our assumptions that lead from concepts to objects by re-appropriating and re-evaluating the various industrial building stones of our world, displacing their use and context to highlight their intrinsic qualities and values.
By rewiring and rewriting the urban context around us through different layers of materials with their own histories and lives, he considers the streets of the artificial world we live in as hardware stores or, as he puts it: a ” hardware library “.
Correspondances – 2024
“For several years now, in addition to creating objects with an ambiguous character, I’ve been developing various devices based on the use of the bicycle as the main means of transport in the city. These devices enable me to collect materials abandoned on the streets for later use in my artistic creations, as well as deliver my works to customers or install them at events.
Beyond these logistical aspects, my aim is also to question certain contemporary automatisms, notably the ubiquitous use of the car. This choice entails a number of constraints, such as the need to design works that can be transported by muscle power. This constraint influences the creative process and opens up new perspectives on the materiality of art.
Through this video/performance installation, I seek to highlight the invisible aspects of my work, such as the transport, assembly and installation of works as they travel from one point to another. These actions thus become an integral part of the artistic work.
A close link is created between the video’s subject and the viewing device, giving the video a reflexive dimension. The last frame of the video represents the installation itself, illustrating the cycle of materials, exposures and energies used in my artistic practice.”
Arnaud Eubelen’s work is presented in collaboration with Le Centre wallon d’art contemporain, La Chataîgneraie, Flémalle (BE).