Galerie Christine Colon

“Portraits transfigurés”
Louise Narbo & Vincent Descotils
Louise Narbo develops a photographic investigation around autobiography. Through the prism of the lens, the artist asks questions about the scars left on the interior by the journey of life. As for Vincent Descotils, his appreciation of the instantaneous features individuals, as if caught between two waters, who got lost during their run through existence ; both present and on the departure, they do not know towards which world to tend or towards which gaze to turn.
Artists presented : Louise Narbo & Vincent Descotils
Exhibition space : Galerie Christine Colon, 12, rue Saint-Rémy, 4000 Liège
Dates : 05/04 – 05/05/2024
Opening hours : Thursday to Saturday from 11:00 to 18:30 and Sunday from 10:30 to 13:00
Vernissage : Thursday 4 April at 18:00