Art Studio Gallery

Stéphane Gerhards & Valeria Micalizzi
Because childhood is sometimes a tragedy that is forgotten under glances that border on silence, Stéphane Gerhards extracts it from his body with the precision of a pencil that explores the forbidden zones of pathos.
Because there is the life we live and the life that surrounds us, because these lives are made only of feelings and interpretations, Valeria Micalizzi tries to decipher daily paradoxes of preconceptions by extrapolating “freeze frames” which mark the moment.
Artists presented: Stéphane Gerhards & Valeria Micalizzi
Exhibition space : Art Studio Gallery , Rue Saint-Séverin 121 à 4000 Liège
Dates : 16/03/2024 – 01/06/2024
Opening hours : exhibition open to the public at all times – appointment possible