Salle des Pieds Légers / Théâtre de Liège

“Point de Rosée”
François Winants
The “Point de Rosée” exhibition is presented as an ensemble that reveals the interactions and exchanges between the environment and the atmosphere. These invisible histories, which make up the nature of which we are a part, invite us to poetically rethink our way of inhabiting the world and to reassess the meaning of our environment in this age of globalisation. The works have become the chemical witnesses and physical echoes of a world that is moving forward without us.
L’exposition est organisée par l’asbl Mouvements Sans Titre.
Exhibition space : Salle des Pieds Légers (Théâtre de Liège), Place du 20-Août, 16 à 4000 Liège
Dates : 10/03/2024 – 04/04/2024
Opening hours : Exhibition open Tuesday to Friday from 14:00 to 18:00, Saturday 30/03 from 14:00 to 18:00 and the evenings before each performance.
Vernissage : 10/03/2024 – 13:00